Aylık arşivler: Şubat 2013

With the OTORISER application I developed, normal users can run applications with admin privilege …


Otoriser is totally free ! Applications, mmc consoles, control panel cpl files can be run under admin and system context with Otoriser. Let’s say you donot want your users to be admin in their machines, but want them to run some applications with admin rights. If this is the case then you are on the right blog.

There are two components for Otoriser. Management and client components. There are no complex implementation and no frustrating steps to be performed. Within 10 minutes you can start testing the results 🙂

First contact me by the “CONTACT FORM” in the upper right corner of this blog entry and share the full dns name of your AD Domain in the form so that I can create the special license file and embed that file in client components setup file. I ‘ll later send you the necessary files to install Otoriser. I modified the code so that a license file is no more required. To download setup files please click the link below …


After you download the setup files, install client components in the client by running it directly (or any deployment method you have), it will take about 5 seconds to install it. Then, let’s say you want your user to change system properties of the machine. With the tool provided in Admin package produce the hash of system.cpl file and enter that hash into the group policy (details are provided in documentation). When policies are applied for that user then he or she can run that control panel applet under admin context but donot forget that the user is still an ordinary user 🙂

If you want to get more information about Otoriser please click the link: Usage and Information

HOW OTORISER WORKS ? Please play the video to see it …

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Yazan: Şubat 21, 2013 in Uncategorized